Precision watch face alignment at speed

A lead supplier to a world renowned prestige watch brand was experiencing issues with component alignment. In particular, aligning watch faces to the body of the watch. Their manual process was taking too long, was not accurate enough, and was resulting in unacceptable quality control fails, and costly rework. Perfect alignment was required so they began examining new approaches.

Perfect alignment was required so they began examining new approaches.


The speed and accuracy of digital microscope

The manufacturer met with our Italian partners and we began exploring a solution to their alignment issue. We visited their facilities to better understand their specific requirements and to explore how to best apply our technology.

The solution we developed was based on our OMNI 3 Digital Microscope and Measurement platform. A full digital solution enabled their operators to import the relevant CAD design file to the Omni (using our DXF app) and then overlay the DXF graticule image on the image of the watch. Thereby directly comparing the watch to the CAD drawing. This enabled them to instantly, and perfectly, align the watch faces. Knowing that the alignment was perfect also enabled them to glue faces in place immediately.




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